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Change of use to restaurant/cafe (A3 Use Class) with installation of flue to the rear elevation

Development Type

Change of use



78 Lower Clapton Road, London, E5 0RN

Development Type

Change of use from A1 to A3


Proposed Development

Change of use of the lower ground and ground floor to a restaurant/cafe (Use Class A3) with installation of flue to the rear elevation (retrospective).


4D Planning's role

4D Planning advised the client on the planning requirements for obtaining planning permission for the change of use of a former A1 Cafe/Deli to a restaurant (A3) on a busy high street. The Council had a threshold limit on the number of A1 units which can be lost to other uses. 4D Planning assisted the client with researching all the other uses along the high street and prepared a marketing report. We also produced the architectural drawings, Planning Statement - addressing all the planning policies which support the proposal and justifying the proposal to those policies which don't support the proposal. We liaised with the planners and obtained the acoustic report from one of 4D Planning's partner firms. The application was Granted permission by Hackney Council.


Change of use to restaurant (A3 / E use class) in Hackney



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