Roof extension with rear dormer and window, insertion of new bi-fold doors at rear
Roof extension/ loft conversion
Development Type
Roof terrace/ balcony
Replacement of windows
6B Bertram Road, NW4 3PN
Alteration to facade, replacement of windows, Juliette balcony
Erection of french doors and railings to create Juliette balcony
4D Planning advised the client on the feasibility of obtaining planning permission for the juliette balcony. We advised the client that a roof terrace would not be allowed. 4D Planning prepared the drawings and submitted the application with a strong argument. The neighbour objected and drafted a petititon against the development. 4D Planning advised the client that the petition was a waste of time. The application was referred to a Committee meeting. 4D Planning attended the meeting and represented the client. Planning permission was granted by all Committee members unanimously.