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Change of use from A1 Cafe to A1 and A3 (Use Class E)

Development Type

Change of use



213 Old Street, London EC1V 9NR

Development Type

Change of use from A1 to A1/A3 (Use Class E)


Proposed Development

Change of Use from A1 (Café) to A1-A3 (Restaurant/Café with outdoor seating) currently Use Class E


4D Planning's role

4D Planning were instructed to advise the client on the best way to achieve planning permission for a Cafe and Restaurant as well as outdoor seating. On the first floor there was a recording studio that did not benefit from planning permission. We advised the client to produce evidence that the first floor was in use as a recording studio for over 10 years. Our client provided us with the evidence and 4D Planning were instructed to produce the drawings for the application. A year later the applicant applied for a change of use under Prior Approval from A1 to A1/A3 to allow for additional foods to be cooked and served on site. The current use class is E. 

For further projects in Islington see here: www.islingtonplanning.co.uk



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