Manchester City
Change of use from vacant premises to dual use A1 hairdressers/ D1 training academy
Change of use
Development Type
Change of use
Manchester City
Rajan House , 61 Great Ducie Street, Manchester, M3 1RR
Change of use, Conversion to D2
Change of use to trampoline park & leisure facilities (D2) with associated parking
Advising client on planning feasibility, preparation of architectural drawings, Sequential Approach, Planning Statement, Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. Preparation and submission of Full Planning Permission application, liaison with the council.
4D Planning was instructed to obtain planning permission for the conversion of a large light industrial unit in central Manchester to a Trampoline Park with ancillary leisure facilities (D2 use class). 4D Planning produced the architectural drawings with assistance of a trampoline specialist firm. We also produced a Planning Statement, Sequential Approach to argue that there were no alternative sites or premises in the locality which would be suitable for this use. A Transport Assessment and Travel Plan to address parking, cycle parking and pedestrian access as well as the wider impacts on the transport network. The application was approved.
View of the property internally