Tower Hamlets
Retrospective application for installation of a new shopfront and retention of sign
Shop front alterations/signage
Development Type
Roof extension/ loft conversion
Double storey extension
Tower Hamlets
233 - 235 Bethnal Green Road, E2 6AB
Mansard roof extension, double storey rear extension
Proposed mansard roof extension, part 1 part 2 storey rear extensions, installation of x4 dormer windows and alterations to fenestration within the rear elevation.
4D Planning assessed the feasibility of the possibility to extend the three storey mid-terraced building. We researched the planning history, planning policies and planning precedent amongst other searches and analysis of planning considerations. We concluded that there was potential to extend the roof space to create a large mansard roof and to extend to the rear, part double story and part single storey. The extensions would reflect other extensions that were carried out along the terrace and would respect the immediate neighbours amenity and the wider character of the terrace.
4D Planning were instructed to prepare the application and to liaise with the council. 4D Planning also produced the floor plans, sections and elevations and the maps for the submission. We negotiated with Tower Hamlets Council on the design and impact on neighbours and we managed to persuade the case officer that our proposal was in fact well thought out and suitable for this property. We were granted permission twice. The first time was for No. 235 Bethnal Green Road, but then the owner of the neighbouring property at No. 233 contacted us asking if we can apply for them together with No. 235 for an even larger extension.
Tower Hamlets
Shop front alterations/signage
Tower Hamlets
Change of use
Tower Hamlets
Change of use
Tower Hamlets
Single storey extension
Tower Hamlets
Single storey extension
Tower Hamlets
Change of use
Tower Hamlets
Garage conversion
Tower Hamlets
Garage conversion
Tower Hamlets
Garage conversion