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Retrospective approval for internal and external works to barber shop in listed building

Development Type

Listed building consent
Replacement of windows
Shop front alterations/signage



151 High Street, London SE1 1HR

Development Type

Listed building internal and external works, replacement windows and shop front.


Proposed Development

Listed Building Consent for retention of external works: Replacement shopfront to ground floor front and side elevation; replacement ground floor windows; removal of a door on Newcomen Street and replacement with a window. Internal works: Internal alterations to existing basement and ground floor shop unit.


4D Planning's role

4D Planning were instructed to obtain retrospective planning permission and listed building consent for the barber shop including a new fit-out and refurbishment to the listed premises. The works were on the ground floor and basement levels. We produced the architectural drawings and heritage and design reports for the application. We also applied for advertisement consent for the signage and new shop front facade. Southwark Council granted planning permission and listed building consent.



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